Things that are important
The things that are important to me seem to be making an impact at the moment.
The same wavelength
Being a part
What used to be
I seem to be on my own in thinking that they're important
The things that are important to me seem to be making an impact at the moment.
...if I'm depressed. Haven't really felt too good all day: a bit weepy and despondant. Went to the gym to lift my mood and thinking about doing some radical things with my diet as I know they can only help.
The title says it all. I feel dull, boring, unoriginal and fairly useless. Please don't mistake this as a plea for compliments or a way to boost my ego. I'm just telling you how I feel.
While on the subject of TV programmes, I have been meaning to post on the new series of Doctor Who for some time. It's good. I like the balance of humour, action and characterisation. It's a programme that brings the whole family together to watch, which I like. It's a programme that we all look forward to and I haven't heard a bad word said against it so far. My favourite so far is the end of the world one with Cassandra the last human, a piece of skin stretched taut like a canvas calling "moisturise me! moisturise me!" at regular intervals.
I need to post more about this fab programme. And I will...
I am being told by my youngest daughter that I HAVE to vote green. She has provided me with a poster which is now stuck on the window nearby. She checks several times a day that I haven't changed my mind and I'm still committed to voting for them. All they need are a thousand more little girls like her to scare people into voting for them and they'll have the election in the bag!
Labour 25 | |
Conservative -27 | |
Liberal Democrat 52 | |
UK Independence Party -3 | |
Green 41 |
The LibDems take a strong stand against tax cuts and a strong one in favour of public services: they would make long-term residential care for the elderly free across the UK, and scrap university tuition fees. They are in favour of a ban on smoking in public places, but would relax laws on cannabis. They propose to change vehicle taxation to be based on usage rather than ownership.
Take the test at Who Should You Vote For
Well that was pretty conclusively Lib Dem but as I've seen a lot now where the person expects to be Labour and it comes out Lib Dem so I'm wondering if it's biased towards them. I'm quite pleased that such a high percentage is for the Greens as I am debating whether to vote for my Green candidate Adrian Ramsey.
He was born and brought up in Norwich and has been as active local campaigner since he was 16. He has a first class degree in Politics from UEA.
We'll see over the next few days...
Feeling tired and not too positive, I started the day. And you know what? It just got better and better! I feel very upbeat now because I have had such a positive day. The weather obviously helps but I can't believe how many nice things happened... Firstly the session I covered at Sprowston High went really well with some relaxed conversations, feeling needed and with some young people keen to see me back there. That's always a good sign! The Links 4 sessions are getting better and there was a prime parking space just waiting for me as I pulled up! Another positive session at Reepham High. They loved doing the large posters and concentrated on that for an hour and then we played giant snakes and ladders outside on the field in wonderful sunshine! Youth Club too went well. We had a visit from Chris and it looks like he's going to buy us some nice goodies and we also appear to have a £250 budget on the project proposal which is mega brill!
The Sunday service was a really positive one. Elizabeth combined a lot of different elements to make a service that was accessible to all. It was a pleasure to attend, lasted 65 minutes and helped me to worship God. I couldn't really ask for anything more!
I have had a letter back from Charles Clarke which apologises for the delay in replying due to the fact that Parliament was dissolved and the parliamentary email system isn't available during the election period. I think this is in reply to the second email I sent which can be found below.
I'm trying to customise my blog's template and would like some tips. Have any of you got any ideas? I would like to be able to change the colours but don't know where to start.
We went to see The Interpreter last night at Ster Century. I enjoyed it but it wasn't as good as maybe it could have been. It had a bit of an identity crisis: it wanted to be a hard hitting commentary, a thriller, a character study but it just missed the mark on all counts! At 135 minutes it was over long by about half an hour. All in all it deserves about 6 and 1/2 out of 10: Entertaining but not quite good enough.
...if only. I was out at 8.30am and back at 9.45pm. I did have 2 hours at home from 4.15-6.15 but I guess I could call that a lunch and tea break all rolled into one! I don't know how far I've driven in total today but from 1pm I've done 50 miles so it's probably 70ish.
Just been to a Virgin Vie party and I didn't buy a thing! Some of the stuff was nice but at vastly over inflated prices (well they were way beyond my reach any way!). Had fun and Sarah was there. She is walking 60km to raise money for Breakthrough cancer (her sister has had breast cancer three times) Check out the link.
Skating is getting rather busy on a Tuesday early evening. We had 8 non-church people in attendance with their children. One woman was in church two weeks ago. It was a shame because it was the rather dry service with a multitude of 8 verse hymns! She had her children with her too because they didn't want to leave her. The woman was saying yesterday that they'd been over Easter and had really enjoyed "that man" (James). Catherine and I told her that it was going to be a family service led by James again this Sunday so she seemed keen to come again with the liklihood of trying to get the girls into Youth Church at a later occasion.
The weather started so well this morning. Sunny and warm. Now it's cloudy and drizzling. :(
Today's service was really quite powerful. I think the most poigniant part for me was a presentation about MPH combined with singing Beauty for Brokenness immediately afterwards.
Since coming back from SH, I resolved to become more active in the Make Poverty History campaign. So I put that into action yesterday by standing outside the Forum and collecting signatures. Not on a piece of paper, oh no! People signed squares of material that were then pinned onto a giant white band to show support for the MPH campaign. I was really blown away that so many people approached us to find out more and sign up. I would say that awareness is about 50-50. Half the people had a general idea what it was about but many didn't have a clue. There were a couple of wierdos who didn't sign (well one wierdo and one chav!) but everyone else was really interested and positive.
For the princely sum of £9.95, me and 2 daughters took the train to Cambridge today. It was bitterly cold and I regretted with every fibre of my being that I had been persuaded to wear my bright yellow rain mac and not my bright red winter coat.
Not sure the chocolate or tea was fair trade but it's good to see they take a stand on fairtrade coffee. It's a start. Will have to look out for them in the future. I don't think they currently have a shop in Norwich.
Dear Customer,
Due to your demand, we are pleased to announce the following:
(Unlike other more expensive coffee companies which are just using it as an option of convenience)
The book recommended by Paul came yesterday and looks really good. I hope I have a chance to read some today.
I've read just about a quarter of the book and I'm finding it interesting. Some of the physiological information I could still remember from A level biology which was quite a surprise. The upshot is this: our brains are amazing organs and we have the capacity to learn and build associations far beyond anything we are ever likely to use. We have over the millenia condensed our thinking into a symbolic form (writing) and believe this to be the only way to learn/think. If you think of note taking in particular, we tend to write things down, verbatim, in a linear order because that is how we believe we will gather and retrieve information most efficiently.
My husband is trying to convince me to read a book called The Mind Map Book. He doesn't have to try very hard to convince me because I love reading something when I really ought to be getting on with my work. But he says this is foundational: if I read this then everything else will just fall into place. It's certainly helping him with his studying.
Had a great post from Simon (presumably via the Ship of Fools website) on an earlier blog entry and he has published extensive notes from SH! Excellent! So thanks Simon for drawing my attention to that, it's great! the age of 84. He was a man I respected but I also realise he had a lot of opportunities to make sweeping reforms in the Catholic church and he chose not to take them.
The book of Daniel was written in 2 languages, Hebrew and Aramaic and is an account of events 500 years before the birth of Christ. The book is "chiastic" in structure which means that the first chapter is in parallel to the eighth, the second to the seventh, the third to the sixth and the core are the fourth and fifth chapters. It was explained by concentric circles.
This is an overview of what I attended while at SH
The worship in the Big Top was led by Mark Tedder and Worship Planet who are group of musicians from around the world. I liked him: he was confident, led well and had a beautiful singing voice. Here are some of the songs we sang during the week: