Sunday, April 03, 2005

Pope John Paul II dies... the age of 84. He was a man I respected but I also realise he had a lot of opportunities to make sweeping reforms in the Catholic church and he chose not to take them.

As a young clergyman, Poland was run by atheist pro-Soviets after WWII and against the odds became the first non Italian pope for 455 years. His life and ministry in Poland must have been incredibly difficult and Wojtyla has been credited with the downfall of communism. He was reknown as an active pope, travelling to 129 countries in all. He was the first pontiff to preach in a protestant church and a synagogue and to set foot in a mosque.

His life as pope was bold but he didn't chose to take a liberal tack on key issue such as abortion, contraception, priests marrying and female priests. It seems unlikely that his successor will either as JPII chose 95% of the cardinals from whom the next pope will be chosen.

Lord I pray that you will raise up a leader of the Catholic church who will be such an advocate for unity and peace as Pope John Paul II. Someone who is dynamic and not afraid to speak their own mind. I pray that without compromising Your word, someone will be chosen who will support a more liberal line. Lord I pray for a powerful movement of reform in the Catholic church, a reform that leads to a closer understanding of You and the tools to deal with a world in the third millenium. Amen

Sources of information can be found here and here


At April 03, 2005 11:05 pm, Blogger Louise said...

Hey its lou,
Completely agree with your sentiments on the Pope. It would be so amazing if a liberal (charismatic?) pope was found. But God will do great stuff one way or another.

Going back to your previous post, I have a cd of funked up hymns including 'all creatures', You can borrow it, its so incredibly good! I love old hymns!

At April 04, 2005 8:21 am, Blogger Helsalata said...

Thanks Lou, I would love to borrow it!

I think if we pray enough, a miracle could happen with the new Pope. The trouble is, I think that the last pope who was going to be really radical, died in mysterious circumstances. I don't think it's in the best interests of the "powers that be" that there is reform in the Catholic church. But we have a mighty and powerful God, I pray He will act in a mighty and powerful way.

At April 04, 2005 1:55 pm, Blogger Laura said...

I don't see how someone very different is going to be elected as the pope chose a lot of the cardinals, but a miracle would be cool! I hope that what's good in God's terms overrides what's "good" for the Catholic church.

At April 04, 2005 10:59 pm, Blogger sparkles said...

yeah, well, God is bigger than.....


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