Hello from Brunel!
I'm currently in a lecture at Brunel and thought I'd say "hi"! It's a lovely day outside and I'm stuck inside a stuffy computer room in a concrete block!
Labels: Brunel
I'm currently in a lecture at Brunel and thought I'd say "hi"! It's a lovely day outside and I'm stuck inside a stuffy computer room in a concrete block!
Labels: Brunel
Benvolio's comment below highlighted how proud I am of Lauren having her art work on display at the Forum. She has worked really hard for all her exams but I think she has a real talent for art and some of it is currently on display at the forum for the whole world to see. Great that Ben took the time to have a mooch round to look and read.
I had a ramble below about my thoughts on Christianity Explored. I now think:
Labels: Christian courses, Christianity Explored
Damien Hirst has unveiled his new masterpiece called For the Love of God. It's a human skull encrusted with 8,601 diamonds. To take a look, follow this link and then click on Launch Viewing Room. £50 million is a lot of money...
Labels: art, Damien Hirst
My church is starting a new venture this autumn called Christianity Explored. It's a 10 week course about Christianity based on Mark's gospel. I have to say I was rather shocked when I heard that we were doing this- I had just assumed that we would be doing Alpha. I was also shocked by my feelings of hostility toward the course because it wasn't Alpha. Holy Trinity Brompton, the home of Alpha, is my church of choice when I go to London. Maybe my loyalty lies in the fact that I have an attachment to the church? So I thought I'd blog about it and see what comes up.
Labels: Alpha, Christian courses, Christianity Explored
Apparently the average person in the UK uses 290 plastic carrier bags a year. If you click on this link and then on the top video story you will see a group of people giving out home made fabric bags free to people to encourage them to give up using plastic carriers. I thought that was a good idea. I fancy doing that myself...
Labels: carrier bags, green issues