Thursday, June 07, 2007

New Thoughts on CE

I had a ramble below about my thoughts on Christianity Explored. I now think:
  • The church is just trying something new: nothing ventured, nothing gained
  • I don't have to be involved if I don't want to be
  • But it would be nice to be involved and support a new church venture
  • I don't have to invite or bring my friends if that doesn't suit them or me
  • I can pray about how I introduce the subject of faith as I go along in my walk with people
  • Inviting people to our lovely church building is great but there are many barriers (it is a church after all!). What does this mean to me and my "evangelism"?
  • It would be nice to involve the whole family during the evenings (and before)
  • I can pray for and support Alpha too
  • Maybe a group of people who think that "doing our own thing" would be good/would work should get together to start putting forward a strategy baased on things learnt or things that don't work based on what we do in the autumn?
  • I think CE will suit the theological and cultural assumptions of the church as it stands at the moment
  • I think I can live with that

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At June 08, 2007 2:52 am, Blogger stevie.g said...

nice thinking
if we were all prepared to think a bit, and be prepared to change our views
i.e. if we were all like you
the world would be a better place

At June 08, 2007 7:40 pm, Blogger Ben F. Foster Esq. (c) said...

I noticed in the CNS art thangdango at the forum there was a `Lauren Boutell` piece about spirituality and censorship. Very much liked, Miss Lauren :)


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