News of interest
Throughout the week I've seen news articles and thought "Oh I must blog about that!" but of course I haven't!
How about death to grey squirrels? Over 17,000 culled and more could be for the chop in order to increase the chances of the red squirrel. Could be a cheap alternative to the traditional roast served up on Sunday? (No really!)
Smokers in the poorest areas of Dundee are being offered £150 worth of groceries by the health service if they are able to give up cigarettes. Surely it will save the NHS much more than that if they take it up and quit?
Eating about half the days calorie intake at breakfast can assist in weight loss. Much more is lost and kept off in comparison to the control group who were using a low carb diet.
Nurse writes a book on out of body experiences for those at the brink of death.
I am taking a personal interest in the "national challenge" scheme whereby schools have to get 30% of their students getting 5 "good" A-C passes at GCSE. Any schools falling below this (there are 638 of them) are facing severe scrutiny and will be/are threatened with closure. This has led to the ridiculous situation that some schools can be graded both "good" and "bad" by the government. Some are Ofsted graded good or even outstanding but can still be in danger of closure because they fall short of the magic 30%.
It looks as though 17 girls who have all become pregnant at a US high school have made a "pregnancy pact".
The British Medical Journal discovered that 1 in 10 people have a piercing somewhere other than an earlobe.
That's all for now...
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