Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Spending will save us all

Interesting quotes from this BBC article on the pros and cons of spending include:

"A splurge at M&S's one-day sale is the socially responsible thing to do, like buying bonds in the war."
"And it's worth remembering that we used to enjoy a buy nothing day every week of the year. It was called Sundays."
Neil Boorman, author of Bonfire of the Brands

"I am fundamentally libertarian. I will never be able to afford a yacht but I like to live in a world where some people have yachts."
Lucia van der Post, founder of the Financial Times' glossy magazine How To Spend It

"Every time you shop, ask yourself, 'Does this purchase support or negate the type of change I want to see in the world? Is this purchase life-affirming or soul-draining.'"
Amanda Ford, author of Retail Therapy: Life Lessons Learned While Shopping

"You see families at shopping centres - it's like an outing."
Michael Gutteridge, a business and social psychologist

"It's a bit like a drug. If you suddenly come off a drug you have cold turkey. You have to wean people off after many years."
Prof John Sloman, director of the Economics Network based at the University of Bristol.

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