Monday, March 03, 2008

Childhood is over at 11?

It must be study time because here's another blog!

Children's author Jacqueline Wilson is quoted as saying

"I think children act like adults at an alarmingly early age. It's good that we want the best for our children nowadays, but perhaps we should remember they are only children and need a little loving guidance."

in this BBC report. This is response to her publisher's survey which garnered these responses:

  • 71% of parents allow their children to drink alcohol at home before they turn 18

  • 45% of parents let their 16-year-old children sleep the night at a boyfriend or girlfriend's house

  • 53% of children aged 16 and under are permitted to stay out past 11pm

  • 35% of parents have allowed their under-12s to pierce their ears

  • 71% of parents admit that their children have little regard for their authority

  • 55% think that childhood is over by the time their children start secondary school at 11

  • 72% of parents confess to giving their children a much easier ride than they received when they were the same age

  • 67% of parents are worried about the company their children keep.

  • As a parent and as a student who likes to critically analyse information like this, I find this really interesting. Apparently 65% of parents haven't allowed their children to get their ears pierced under 12. I wonder how many French parents "have allowed" their under 18's the opportunity to drink alcohol before the age of 18? And it surprises me greatly that only 67% of parents are worried about the company their children keep- doesn't every parent have worries like these at some stage?

    Interesting stuff. What do you think?

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