Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Wordless prayers

From Sacred Space:

Ignatius Loyola spent the best of his energies on teaching people to pray. Before his conversion, his idea of prayer was reciting Our Father's and Hail Mary's. When he started to read the scriptures, he found that God was talking to him, especially through the stories about Jesus. He wrote about it later, "God taught me like a schoolboy." As the years passed, his prayer became more wordless - so does the prayer of many Christians as they mature in their spiritual life. Ignatius had such an appetite for prayer - such heart-wrenching delight in it - that he had to ration himself, because the tears of joy were affecting his sight. God was for him not a word but a touch. One of his friends recalled his going up to the roof of his house at night. "He would sit there quietly, absolutely quietly. He would take off his hat and look up for a long time at the sky...and the tears would begin to flow down his cheeks like a stream, but so quietly and so gently that you heard not a sob nor a sigh nor the least possible movement of his body."

I want to explore wordless prayers

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