Monday, April 17, 2006


I hate being me sometimes. Shopping is a fact of life but I have to make it so much more difficult for myself. Questions I have just been asking myself as I walked around Waitrose:
  1. Is it organic?
  2. Is it fairly traded?
  3. Is it free range?
  4. Is it locally produced?
  5. Is it disproportionately packaged?
  6. Is it from England?
  7. Is it environmentally friendlier?
These questions are on top of the normal ones that are:
  1. Is this healthy?
  2. Will everyone eat this?
  3. Can I afford it?
  4. Is the sell by date long enough?
  5. Do I have time to cook this?
I bought 28 items. It took a long time.


At April 17, 2006 10:45 pm, Blogger Laura said...

I'd hate to be you! ;)

At April 20, 2006 2:34 pm, Blogger Louise said...

I'm so glad that when I shop its only the last 5 questions. You must have so much headspace. I suggest you get a vegetable patch and a few farm animals: All your questions answered before you cook :-)

At April 20, 2006 8:36 pm, Blogger Craig Deal said...

some good questions though!

At April 21, 2006 7:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i ask all those questions too, and then wonder why i'm so bad at supermarket shopping, and end up just buying marshmallows.


At April 21, 2006 11:22 pm, Blogger Helsalata said...

Gelatine, sugar and colourings! EEK! You really ought to be thinking of pushing out babies by now...Unless you're trying for a ten pound baby?

At April 22, 2006 11:49 am, Blogger Laura said...

But no fat and that is why we love them :D

At April 22, 2006 4:37 pm, Blogger Helsalata said...

Ah, I need to add "Is there any animal fat or derivatives in it?" and "Are there artificial colours in it?" to my list of questions. Oh yes, I'm pleased for you for the lack of fat in marshmallows- for me, just another thing to feel guilty about!

At April 23, 2006 3:20 pm, Blogger Louise said...

Why do you need to ask those wuestions? Have you joined the land of vegetarianism? Or is it just wrong to eat an animal in anything but its whole form? ;-)

At April 23, 2006 7:13 pm, Blogger Timothy V Reeves said...

You might find the “hunter-gatherer” experience to your liking: Wild berries and Mastodon certainly click with your stated requirements, although admittedly Mastodon steak is not exactly “egg-timer” cooking, and some frozen specimens found in Siberia are well past their sell-by-date.

I’ve always thought that the modern supermarket, with its industrial “pile em high and sell em cheap” retail warehouse look, fails to connect with the gatherer instincts of women (males go out hunting, of course). Supermarkets could make shopping a more primevally satisfying experience by introducing a pre-agricultural “Cro-Magnon” feel to their stores: e.g. by introducing a back drop of lush vegetation and playing recordings of typical forest fauna.

Yahoo news tells of one supermarket that perhaps went a little too far with this idea when a customer discovered a ‘milk snake’ (yes, I said ‘snake’ not ‘shake’) amongst the produce*. Moreover, as the hunter-gatherer phase of (wo)mankind is often identified with the Biblical Edenic period, and as traditionally woman are found “gathering” in supermarkets, I think this particular supermarket should have first consulted a good theologian and (s)he would have told them that there is a bit of an issue when it comes to women and snakes

* Try google=”milk snake”+yahoo+supermarket

At April 23, 2006 10:07 pm, Blogger Helsalata said...

Thanks Timothy V. for that way of looking at things...

As for the animal derivatives: I prefer to eat meat and know that I eat meat. I'd rather not encountered the remains of horses hooves (gelatine) while consuming sugary snacks. I do try to eat free range or organic meat products- I doubt the gelatine in marshmallows comes near that standard...

At April 29, 2006 11:19 am, Blogger Timothy V Reeves said...

When are you blogging again? You’ve got to keep cyber louts like me off the servers by giving us something to do (the police will agree – ask PC P*t*r B*rn*s next time you see him).

There was a young lady called H*l*n
Who was certainly was not a Melon
She did a lot of blogging
And stopped our brains from clogging.

I think StevieGB is much better at verse than me! >8B


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