Monday, March 13, 2006

Folders update...

Well sorting through my folders yesterday was quite encouraging. I seem to have advanced quite considerably in several. I've done the larger pieces of work for 2, one comparing 3 projects and the other detailing 2 projects over the course of a year. I have written a community profile, I have almost finished my cluster plan for work so I'll be able to use that and I've started pulling things out to write the one about Value Base which is one of 2 concluding folders. It's all looking promising and thanks to people who are being so understanding and letting me get on.


At March 13, 2006 6:57 pm, Blogger Timothy V Reeves said...

It’s Monday! And it’s wreck a blog night! (it’s 4 days to the weekend so I’ve got to take it out on someone – I’m not a job satisfied Youth Worker). So you’re firmly on the left are you? Well, I can top that – I used to read “Socialist Worker” (You know, headlines like “Stuff the Royals” – in fact it was “Stuff Everything” – bit like that disaffected looking bloke with a fag you posted a few weeks back). I also went to some of their meetings. In fact I attended one at the Duke St center with Paul Foot. Being a rabid control freak I liked the idea of “The Dictatorship of the Proletariat”, but I gave it all up when I realized that come the revolution, as far as any dictating was concerned, I was unlikely to get a look in – that was going to be reserved for a Marxist Elite.

What’s this got to do with your current posting? Nothing, it is, after all, “wreck a blog night”. But here’s the punch line – I still attend meetings at a center on Duke, “Norwich Central” some people call it. Rum Business.


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