Monday, January 02, 2006

Some facts from 2005

It takes 75kg of raw materials to make a mobile phone. Shocking.

Plenty more facts to keep you entertained here.


At January 03, 2006 5:02 pm, Blogger Chris said...

That was thoroughly entertaining and education, thank you very much ;-)

luv ya


At January 04, 2006 2:57 pm, Blogger Helsalata said...

I love collecting facts!

Happy New Year to you both! God Bless!

At January 07, 2006 11:22 am, Blogger Timothy V Reeves said...

75 kg per phone? But, But ….... because phones transmit information, which is nothing at all (=SOUL?), then it cuts down on travel, with all the consumption of resources that that entails. On the other hand greater information flow implies a hotter economy, thus increasing resource use…… On the other hand, more information devices imply the greater reliance on the resource light information industries, rather than the heavy smoke stack industries. Basically, who knows where society is going? But then have we ever known where it was going? Tell the man who planted the first crop seeds that he was leaving behind hunter-gatherer innocence in favour of agricultural affluence and decadence and he wouldn't have known what you are talking about!

Sorry to spoil the blook of your blog, but I was just passing by and tried to leave SteveGee a friendly comment and found that I couldn’t do so without setting up my own blog. So here I am!! Should have called myself the “Blog Princess”! I am not a natural blogger myself, so I’ve no idea how am going to use it. But then as you’re an “eye contact” person, I ask myself what ever is a nice person like you doing on the geeks medium?


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