Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Lists continued...

7 Things I can't do (yet):
1. Play an instrument to performance standard
2. Speak a foreign language to a basic conversation level
3. Make a commitment to playing a team sport regularly
4. Build a brick wall
5. Ballroom dance
6. Sail a boat reliably
7. Replace a flat tyre

7 Things that attract me to Blogging:
1. Being able to express my views in a (hopefully) logical way
2. Being able to see a progression of my views
3. Have other people comment on my views
4. Being able to express creative ideas either in writing, artwork or photography
5. Having an insight into the lives of other people
6. Building a community of people who may not be linked by a geographical area
7. Catching up with people in your own time which isn't the case with a telephone call

7 Things I say most often (not really sure about any of these but at least they're an answer!):
1. Crud
2. I can do this
3. What's the worst that can happen?
4. I'm off to get the dog- The good dog or the bad dog?- The bad dog!- Ah! Good!
5. Hello. Helen speaking
6. At the end of the day...
7. Indeed


At January 17, 2006 11:06 pm, Blogger monty said...

You want to do a lot of things - I reckon you should retire now to fit them in - although you may wait a while for the state pension I suspect..... (not knowing your age off course).

At January 18, 2006 8:08 am, Blogger Helsalata said...

Some of the things link...I could learn the language as I work, in the car, in my spare time. The instrument I could learn in a similar fashion (although maybe not in the car!) and by performance I mean I would like to be able to play in a worship band or to aid my own private worship. Team sport is a social and fitness desire, sailing would be an irregular hobby which I could potentially learn via my job and ballroom dancing maybe I could leave until I retire! The building follows the carpentry and building themes in my previous blog about what I want to do before I die, don't know how I go about that and I feel I really ought to be less useless in the car maintainance dept. but have no particular desire to do much about it at the moment! So yeah, lots to fit in. I reckon it's a good job I don't enjoy sitting and watching lots of TV!

At January 18, 2006 2:06 pm, Blogger Timothy V Reeves said...

No mention of physics in your lists? Wait a sec.... got it! ...physics is filed under cr*d. Silly me! Should have guessed.

OK. Mrs H, here's the deal. I've got the original screen shot (You know what I mean) How much is it worth? I've got a new issue of "Views, News and Pews" in editorial.

At January 18, 2006 2:13 pm, Blogger Timothy V Reeves said...

You mean that you don't know what I mean? I find that incrudible!

At January 18, 2006 3:32 pm, Blogger Helsalata said...

2pm? During the week? Surely you aren't posting comments on my blog during work hours? :P

At January 20, 2006 1:57 pm, Blogger Timothy V Reeves said...

Giza Job!


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