Saturday, December 17, 2005


We had a guy called Francis come into youth club last night to give a taster session on breakdancing. He was really inspirational! Firstly the few we had there weren't going to engage, so he put on a DVD of a really top flight breakdance competition, which they got into. Then he suggested we try some of the moves so we got up and warmed up. A couple of the boys in the group were naturally quite good and so it was really nice to be able to spot that talent in them. More young people came and joined in as the evening went on. The moves were quite demanding but are an excellent discipline although if I were doing it the more upright, rhythmic moves would suit me better than spinning or back flips! I think what made the session good were the skills of Francis: he walked in gave excellent eye contact, confidently shook my hand and his body language was open and confident. He had very little time in which to engage some unfamiliar teenagers and he managed to inspire them and get everyone involved. Successful all round!


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