Buy Nothing Day
Yesterday was Buy Nothing Day (thanks Carl for highlighting this!) The premise is that we all start to think about the amount we consume and ask ourselves if we really need the things that we buy. The day itself is a way of exercising control and, a day where you challenge yourself, your family and friends to switch off from shopping and tune into life.
As Saturday was a study day for me, it wasn't particularly difficult for me not to spend. BUT it is tricky for me to get out of the mindset that "We haven't got any noodles, I'll just pop over to Waitrose to get them!"
Luckily, Julian reminded me and we spent nothing! Yay!
But the challenge is now on: how do I incorporate this philosophy into my life? It could possibly mean that I look at not shopping on a Sunday. I know I shouldn't but that pesky Waitrose is sooooo close! Maybe this means I will nominate one day weekly where I will buy nothing. It could be Sunday but it could quite easily be another day. The next challenge will be Buy Nothing Christmas an idea I tried to introduce during Lauren's first Christmas which was met with disapproval by my mother so it never really took off. Fortunately, we have never spent vast fortunes at Christmas, so making and enjoying a minimalist Christmas will be a fun challenge.
What are your thoughts?
Buy nothing Christmas would be tough - but rewarding I think.
As it was I failed with Buy Nothing Day...! My flatmate might have killed me if we hadn't gotten our modem/router sorted yesterday, so there wasn't much choice :-(
I'm guessing it would be more about a compromise and be a "Buy Less Christmas" rather than buy nothing...
And I'm thinking that the day was more an awareness thing and that you can do it whenever you like...
I stayed in my pjs all day.
Argghh... pants, I've just realised that I bought a new hard drive for my computer. Or was that Friday... I can't remember...
On Christmas: I was talking to a girl on Friday who spends £30 on each of her friends for Christmas, £150 on her dad, £300 on her boyfriend and £500 on her mum.... I was speechless.
If I spent much less on Christmas (my present totally is just over £100 altogether I think) then people would get one item from poundland. Which interestingly enough, we did as a house last year! We had so much fun. We made a film with of us playing with our presents :D
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