Friday, October 28, 2005


My reason for studying is now all too clear and impressing itself on me. I have a new job which depends on me holding the qualification. This means I have until mid May to do four essays and complete my 11 competence folders. These list in detail the evidence needed to prove that the theory and skills needed to do the job are being used by me in my every day work. Providing the evidence in some cases is not hard (deciphering the jargon to actually uncover what is wanted IS hard!) Actually pulling all these bits of evidence together and tying it all together with the necessary bits of information is the tricky thing.
I agree with Sparkles that knuckling down to work is the hardest thing of all. Especially when there's blogging to be done... *sigh*


At October 28, 2005 12:19 pm, Blogger sparkles said...

... and new soul survivor CDs to listen and dance to ;)


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