Saturday, July 30, 2005

Unknown man

I nearly called this post "Fat Bloke" but for reasons I will try and convey, thought that did him a dis-service. I was out shopping the other day and I saw a very obese man weaving between the islands of produce and my initial thoughts were "Fat git, getting in the way, taking up too much space and moving slowly!"
This made me take a mental step back and I looked in horror at how I was regarding him, judging him according to his size. I instantly revised that snap judgement I thought, "Wow! Good for him remaining out and about, keeping active and just doing ordinary things."

I'm hoping that doesn't come across as patronising but I was shocked at my first initial judgement and I felt like God touched me at the moment of re-evaluation. He was just a man that I don't know, doing the things that everyone does. He has every right to respect and love. I pray that God forgives me for my arrogance and that He will help me to see people as He sees them and not as my prejudices and culture dictate I should see them.

Unknown man, this post is dedicated to you. May you live a happy and prosperous life, surrounded by loved ones and may the hand of God touch your soul. Amen


At August 02, 2005 9:28 pm, Blogger Chris said...

I echo that AMEN


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