Sunday, June 12, 2005

Weekend wanderings

The Parish Council meeting went so well! I was there early due to a mix up with the time so I spent the time writing some bullet points about what we've done with youth club over the year. I have to say how impressed I was when reading it! The people at the meeting didn't have a chance! I probably was a little OTT in the amount of detail that I went into but by the time the guy with his letter of complaint popped up, the popular opinion was that I was the best thing since sliced bread.
I have to thank God that He gave me that time to prepare, the gift of verbal communication and good timing to all combine to smooth over what could have been a tricky meeting. Thank you God!

Another humbling experience was helping with the signing choir. I was asked to sing with the choir in order to give the choir leader the cues for the songs. I was really moved as I sang with them and loved the joy of expressing worship to God with signing (as opposed to singing!) So many thoughts about the inclusivity (or otherwise) of our services. Hmmm...


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